Optimizing Underwriting Through Automation and Process Correction

Optimizing Underwriting Through Automation and Process Correction

Customer Overview

Our client is a leading residential lender based in Texas, serving the region with a broad portfolio of home loan products.

The Challenges

After analyzing the client’s underwriting inefficiencies, we implemented MSuite to automate several key processes:

  • Missing or incomplete information in loan files.
  • Lack of quality metrics for benchmarking.
  • Declining underwriting productivity.
  • Errors in income and asset calculations.
  • High rates of poor-quality loans and denials.
  • A significant backlog of loans requires immediate attention.

The Solutions

The client experienced significant enhancements in their underwriting operations, including:

  • Automated loan file indexing and data extraction using MSuite.
  • Redefined the lending decision analysis process, including two years' employment and residency history.
  • Ensured income calculations met current credit capacity requirements.
  • Supported property valuations with legitimate comparables.
  • Developed tailored questionnaires to validate customer data accuracy.
  • Flagged potential issues for further investigation.
  • Assigned a specialized guidelines team to review each loan file.

Results Achieved

The implementation of our solution brought substantial improvements, including enhanced performance and measurable results:

  • A significant reduction in the amount of information underwriters needed to review.
  • Underwriting productivity doubled, with each underwriter processing four files instead of 2.
  • Underwriting turnaround times were reduced by approximately 40%.
  • A $5 million growth in home loans within six months.
  • A nearly 40% reduction in operational costs.

Streamline Your Underwriting Processes With Automation Today! Reach out to Us To Learn How To Boost Productivity and Cut Costs.

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