Expediting Pre-Purchase Review Process for a Correspondent Lender

Expediting Pre-Purchase Review Process for a Correspondent Lender

Customer Overview

Our client, a leading residential mortgage lender licensed in all 50 states, is a key player. They specialize in wholesale, retail, and correspondent lending and manage substantial mortgage transactions across various channels.

The Challenges

The client encountered a range of issues arising from several key factors:

  • Lengthy waiting times for correspondents to get their loans purchased.
  • Poor quality of reviews resulting in the acquisition of risky loans.
  • High operating costs from hiring senior underwriters for loan reviews.
  • Slower ramp-up times lead to backlogs in processing.

The Solutions

We tackled these challenges with a series of strategic steps, which are detailed as follows:

  • Documented existing processes and prepared a comprehensive to-do checklist.
  • Eliminated inefficient procedures and restructured existing processes.
  • Expanded the team size significantly within a month to manage increased volumes.
  • Established a Quality Control (QC) team for internal audits, implementing multi-layer checks and reviews.
  • Introduced a periodic process review mechanism to ensure compliance with work plans.

Results Achieved

The implementation resulted in several key enhancements, including:

  • Highly streamlined processes, leading to significant time savings.
  • Reduced backlogs in pre-purchase reviews.
  • 30-40% improvement in loan purchase times.
  • 25-30% reduction in communication time with correspondents due to improved review quality.
  • Nearly 50% reduction in operational costs, enhancing profitability.

Streamline Your Pre-Purchase Reviews Now! To Achieve Optimal Balance in Workload and Delivery.

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